Truths and Lies

Summarize- Facts and Fake News: How to tell the difference

Believing in something is not that hard for people to do. This article talks about that. When people think about something they usually spend time on thinking only about that. There are things that aren’t true, but people believe what they want to believe. Sometimes they think they know everything, sometimes they just want to believe what they think it’s true or sometimes they believe that everything is positive. And things aren’t always positive and that is why Tedford and Womack give us tips to know how to be critical and careful about how we need to consume information. First, Read past the chickbait, the headlines don’t always tell the whole story you need to read the whole article. Second, Check your own biases, ask yourself what you really want the article to say, if you want to be good for yourself. Third, Check the source of that information, use different sources that can help you know if the information is real and loom for trolls in those articles. Fourth, Read laterally, ask yourself if there is more information to be found or if there is someone that needs to be heard. And fifth, Don’t engage with mis/disinformation, if you get too engaged that information will amplify. There are two tools that can help readers know if the information is true: The Media Bias Chart and NewsGuard. Tedford and Womack say that we need to know this is a problem everyone has, and that we need to distinguish between what true information is and what is not. 

Link: Facts and Fake News: How to tell the difference


Fake news:

  1. Fargo Man Enjoys Big Mac That’s Been In His Fridge For 30 Years-
  2. Family’s Robot Vacuum Cleaner Found Guilty Of Terrorizing And Threatening Behavior-

Based on Facts News:

  1. “I am so scared”: 911 recordings reveal fear and urgency of those trapped in Uvalde elementary school-
  2. Earthquake damage in Turkey set to exceed 4100 bn, UN says-


  1. How is that man not in the hospital? 
  2. Is that robot really real? 
  3. What was going on inside the man’s mind? 
  4. What happened to the families? 
  5. What will happen with the orphan kids?

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